International Women's Day
Writing a post today outside the regular newsletter day because this is important.
Today is International Women’s Day.
A day to celebrate the amazing achievements and contributions of women to our world. But it is also a day to recognise the inequality women face in their daily lives. Because if we do not recognise this inequality, we cannot begin to take steps to fix it.
Women's representation matters in our workforce and decision-making roles, not only because women are more than capable to perform in any job, but also to recognise the systemic discrimination in place. In short, it is about dismantling the balance of power between women and men. Yes, this is about power again. A rather recurring theme in global health and well, most of the world’s problems.
But gender divides power.
Gender often shapes the distribution of power in our families, workplaces and institutions. Gender and power are so tightly intertwined, it’s impossible to delineate them. And unfortunately, many of us accept this unequal distribution and definition of power. As if it was preordained that men should hold the majority of power.
But in Invictus, as William Ernest Henley wrote, "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”, we must reject this false dogma.
I am rather lucky in my life and career to be surrounded by nothing short of inspirational and supportive women. From colleagues, and superiors to family and friends, they have been instrumental in shaping me into what I am today. My family (mostly women!) has been an unwavering pillar of support in many of my life’s ups and downs. For this, I am truly grateful.
I am now a father of a feisty 6 year old girl. She means the world to me and in her short life, she has taught me to be a better person than I could ever teach myself.
So, I hope she grows up to be fearless. Fearless against the patriarchy in our society.
I hope she grows up to be kind. Kind towards the vulnerable, the oppressed and the underserved.
I hope she grows up to be successful. Successful in her own right, blazing a trail on her own terms.
To my little girl and all women in the world, I hope you don’t only break the glass ceiling so unfairly prescribed by men, but also bring the whole damn house down.
Happy International Women’s Day.
Regular programming continues this Sunday.